A composition usually in four or more parts written for a large number of singers.
A refrain in which others, such as audience members, join a soloist in a song.
A line or group of lines repeated at intervals in a song.
A solo section based on the main melody of a popular song and played by a member of the group.
A body of singers who perform choral compositions, usually having more than one singer for each part.
A body of vocalists and dancers who support the soloists and leading performers in operas, musical comedies, and revues.
A group of persons who speak or sing in unison a given part or composition in drama or poetry recitation.
An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.
A group of masked dancers who performed ceremonial songs at religious festivals in early Greek times.
The group in a classical Greek drama whose songs and dances present an exposition of or, in later tradition, a disengaged commentary on the action.
The portion of a classical Greek drama consisting of choric dance and song.
A group or performer in a modern drama serving a purpose similar to the Greek chorus.
The performers of a choral ode, especially a Pindaric ode.
A speech, song, or other utterance made in concert by many people.
A simultaneous utterance by a number of people: a chorus of jeers from the bystanders.
The sounds so made.
tr. & intr.v. cho·rused, or cho·russed cho·rus·ing, or cho·rus·sing cho·rus·es or cho·rus·ses
To sing or utter in or as if in chorus.
in chorus
All together; in unison.